(162) Where personal data are processed for statistical purposes, this Regulation should apply to that processing. Union or Member State law should, within the limits of this Regulation, determine statistical content, control of access, specifications for the processing of personal data for statistical purposes and appropriate measures to safeguard the rights and freedoms of the data subject


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In order to enhance transparency and compliance with this Regulation, the establishment of certification mechanisms and data protection seals and marks should be encouraged, allowing data subjects to quickly assess the level of data protection of relevant products and services. Recital 166 EU GDPR (166) In order to fulfil the objectives of this Regulation, namely to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons and in particular their right to the protection of personal data and to ensure the free movement of personal data within the Union, the power to adopt acts in accordance with Article 290 TFEU should be delegated to the Commission. 40 Recital 158 Processing for archiving purposes. Where personal data are processed for archiving purposes, this Regulation should also apply to that processing, bearing in mind that this Regulation should not apply to deceased persons. Home » Legislation » GDPR » Recital 161.

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GDPR > Considerando 162. UTOPIA è il software per la gestione della privacy conforme al GDPR che permette ad aziende e consulenti di adempiere a tutti gli gdpr bg Когато се обработват лични данни за статистически цели, настоящият регламент следва да се прилага за този вид обработване. subject is not or no longer identifiable.” Recital 26 concludes that the GDPR “does not therefore concern the processing of such anony-mous information, including for statistical or research purposes.” Thus for a machine learning model to qualify fully for exclusion from GDPR regulation, the model must meet the GDPR definition for anonymity. May 01, 2019 Practice Points A Very Brief Introduction to the GDPR Recitals Those who maintain a General Data Protection Regulation compliance program must review both the articles and recitals in assessing an organization’s compliance. View the entire General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) policy in indexed form here, including Recital 160. Need GDPR help?

EU regulation 536/2014, which covers consent for clinical trials, still applies with the GDPR. Recital 162: Processing for Statistical Purposes. The GDPR covers personal data processed for statistical purposes. EU and national law should set out exactly what does and doesn't come under this category.

2 Union or Member State law should, within the limits of this Regulation, determine statistical content, control of access, specifications for the processing of personal data for statistical purposes and appropriate measures to safeguard the rights and freedoms of the data subject and Recital 162 (162) Where personal data General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) The latest consolidated version of the Regulation with corrections by Recitals Recital 162 Processing for statistical purposes Where personal data are processed for statistical purposes, this Regulation should apply to that processing. EU GDPR (162) Where personal data are processed for statistical purposes, this Regulation should apply to that processing. Recital 162. Where personal data are processed for statistical purposes, this Regulation should apply to that processing.

Gdpr recital 162

RECITAL 173 – Relationship to Directive 2002/58/EC Recital 162 Processing for statistical purposes* 1 Where personal data are processed for statistical purposes, this Regulation should apply to that processing.

… Continue reading Recital 62 Corresponding recital (15) In order to prevent creating a serious risk of circumvention, the protection of natural persons should be technologically neutral and should not depend on the techniques used. The protection of natural persons should apply to the processing of personal data by automated Recital 162 - Statistics* The GDPR applies to the processing of personal data for statistical purposes. EU Member States can regulate processing for statistical purposes in their national laws in order to safeguard people's confidentiality. EU regulation 536/2014, which covers consent for clinical trials, still applies with the GDPR.

Gdpr recital 162


2This Regulation does not apply to the processing of personal data by the Member States when carrying … Continue reading Recital 16 (Recital 162 GDPR; Section 18 DPA 2018) Data Protection & Research: Guidance for MRS Members and Company Partners 2018 Part 1 (v0418) Page 7 of 41 Section 2: Recital 24 is devoted to the second provision set forth in Article 3 of the GDPR as well, but is focused on defining what constitutes monitoring an individual in the EU. Remember that in Article 3 the GDPR states that offering goods and services or monitoring individuals in the EU is a determining factor in regards to whether a business is bound by the regulation. Recital 162 - Processing for statistical purposes About GDPR.EU GDPR.EU is a website operated by Proton Technologies AG, which is co-funded by Project REP-791727-1 of the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union. Recital 157 (157) By coupling information from registries, researchers can obtain new knowledge of great value with regard to widespread medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and depression. Recital 102 International Agreements for an Appropriate Level of Data Protection* 1 This Regulation is without prejudice to international agreements concluded between the Union and third countries regulating the transfer of personal data including appropriate safeguards for the data subjects.

(162) Om personuppgifter behandlas för statistiska ändamål, bör denna förordning gälla denna behandling. Unionsrätten eller medlemsstaternas  Grundläggande (162) Om personuppgifter behandlas för statistiska ändamål, bör EU allmän dataskyddsförordning, Easy readable text of EU GDPR with many  162). Om personuppgifter behandlas för statistiska ändamål, bör denna förordning gälla denna behandling.
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(162) Tätä asetusta olisi sovellettava, jos henkilötietoja käsitellään tilastotarkoituksia varten. Unionin oikeudessa tai jäsenvaltion lainsäädännössä olisi tässä as

Corresponding recital (15) In order to prevent creating a serious risk of circumvention, the protection of natural persons should be technologically neutral and should not depend on the techniques used. The protection of natural persons should apply to the processing of personal data by automated This document sets out the 173 Recitals listed in the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679) (GDPR) and links out to the relevant Articles and Practical Law content. (162) Якщо персональні дані опрацьовують для статистичних цілей, цей Регламент необхідно також застосовувати до такого опрацювання.

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particular natural person – Recital 162, GDPR. GDPR. Processing for … statistical purposes, shall be subject to appropriate safeguards, in accordance with.

Recital 162. 1 Where personal data are processed for statistical purposes, this Regulation should apply to that processing.

However, Recital 67 gives the Data Controller and/or the Data Protection Officer detailed examples of when those data losses must be reported to the GDPR Supervisory Authorities.

Recital 33 of the Data Protection Regulation involves expanding the potential I skälen 159–162 beskrivs, som diskuterats i föregående avsnitt, vad som ska  As stated in this definition and in Recital 29 of the GDPR are of importance when selecting cloud servers for storing personal data with 162-180. Pearson, S. (2013), “Privacy, security and trust in cloud computing”,Privacy  (s.162). Även här förordade man samverkan med museer, andra arkiv, public interest, would fall under the definition of recital 158”.

Imagen de la actividad de Mattias Lindskog en LinkedIn con el nombre de Apropå GDPR.