The book Applied Predictive Modeling features caret and over 40 other R packages. It is on sale at Amazon or the the publisher’s website. There is a companion website too. There is also a paper on caret in the Journal of Statistical Software. The example data can be obtained here(the predictors) and here (the outcomes).


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The book Applied Predictive Modeling features caret and over 40 other R packages. It is on sale at Amazon or the the publisher’s website. There is a companion website too. There is also a paper on caret in the Journal of Statistical Software. The example data can be obtained here(the predictors) and here (the outcomes).

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File doc/COPYING is the same as GPL-2 . Some files are licensed under ‘GPL (version 2 or later)’, which includes GPL-3 . 233.1k Followers, 5 Following, 68 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from R (@r) R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. R Weekly @ Facebook, Twitter, Mastodon. This website uses cookies. R Weekly is openly developed on GitHub.